Writing & Editing

Writing and editing go hand in hand in the publishing world, and I’m fortunate enough to love them both. I originally started out as a writer, penning both fiction (as seen in my Books section) and nonfiction. Editing is one of my passions in publishing, though, and helping authors to polish their work is one of the most rewarding aspects for me. Being part of both worlds—a writer and an editor—allows me to strengthen my work in those worlds.


Fantasy Faction
I am a regular contributor for Fantasy Faction, a fantasy-centered website. I’ve written articles about Critical Role, writing conferences, being a panelist in a virtual world, and more. Here are a couple of my articles!
How To Create Fantasy Villains
Interview with Joshua P. Johnson

Ooligan Press
At Ooligan Press I got the opportunity to craft my skills by writing many things, ranging from social media posts and press releases to website copy and marketing materials. (I can also create a kickass resume, if you need help with that.) One of the opportunities was to pen blogposts about publishing. I’ve written a variety of posts, for both general publishing knowledge and Start to Finish. Start to Finish blogposts are monthly updates written by project managers about their projects. This allows our readers to gain an inside look about how we operate at Ooligan and how our projects are coming along. Since I was a co-manager for Write to Publish 2016 and Comin’ In Over the Rock, I wrote about those. Here are a few examples:
Conquering the Pitch
Conferences—Waste of Time or Worth Your While
My Editing Past and Future
Write to Publish Is Getting Closer
Onto the Next Project, Comin' In Over the Rock

PSU Chronicles Blogger
During my time at PSU, I was also a Chronicles blogger for my second year. I blogged about giving thanks, tabling, and keeping it weird at PSU, among many other things. You can find my blogposts here.

Personal Blog
In my free time, I maintain a personal blog about writing, publishing, editing, and general life updates. You can find that blog here.


Associated Press Style
I have experience with AP style through my contract with Tiger Oak Media and working at the PSU Vanguard for three terms while a grad student. I currently proofread three magazines for Tiger Oak per month, and I copyedited five magazines per month for them as well before COVID-19 pared that down. At the Vanguard, copyedited over seventy articles and was consistently praised for my quick and concise work.

Chicago Manual of Style
I have experience in developmental editing, copyediting, and proofreading, using the Chicago Manual of Style as my main style guide. As a freelance editor, I’ve developmentally edited manuscripts for Desert Palm Press using the CMoS and the house style guide. I've included a few of the covers below.