Project Management

As a project manager, I bring a bubbly but focused attitude to the tasks at hand. Leading a team was a wonderful experience and a valuable takeaway from my time at Ooligan Press. Additionally, as a manager, I had the chance to work with the projects from start to finish and was able to have a hand in each and every task. I had the opportunity to co-manage two awesome projects:  Write to Publish 2016 and Comin’ In Over the Rock.

Write to Publish 2016 


Write to Publish is Ooligan’s annual fundraising conference aimed to demystify the publishing process. I spent ten months planning and organizing the conference along with my co-manager Chelsea Lobey. For this project, we figured out the location, designed the day of events, found the speakers, vendors, sponsors, and volunteers, and managed teams of four-to-six Ooligan students. The marketing push took place in the Fall and Winter terms, reaching out the local clubs, meetup groups, newspapers, journals, and universities; creating press releases for local media outlets; and crafting social media announcements via Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. We managed twenty volunteers, gathered over twenty-one speakers, created four panels and four workshops, coordinated a reading and a pitch to a professional opportunity, and wrangled three separate Ooligan Press teams. We also made sure the website stayed updated with relevant information and wrote monthly updates about the process for Ooligan’s Start to Finish blog. Start to Finish blogposts are monthly updates written by project managers about their projects. This allows our readers to gain an inside look about how we operate at Ooligan and how our projects are coming along. 

Write to Publish 2016 was held on January 30, at the Smith Memorial Student Union. The event was a success, drawing over fifty attendees and generating $4,000 of pure revenue. 

While organizing this event and managing our teams, I also designed the Write to Publish 2016 Program.

Comin' In Over the Rock

 Comin’ In Over the Rock was a specialized book project Ooligan received, kind of like a freelance project for the press. As co-managers, Chelsea and I oversaw two teams on the completion of this manuscript. Collectively, our team was responsible for a light copyedit, interior design, and proofreading. My responsibilities included managing the team, making sure our tasks aligned with the production schedule, and coordinating with the authors, as well as helping with copyediting, organizing the photos, and proofreading the manuscript.

Here are some proofreading notes I took during that particular stage.