Writing Synergy is meant to be a space for combining the my dual worlds of creativity: writing and marketing. I’ll share interesting and exciting ways to come up with characters, writing prompts for your creative journey, and give you tips about how to market your book. (Marketing is most fun thing in book publishing, I swear! If you don’t believe me, subscribe and see just how fun it can be!) At least once a month, you can expect an email about one (or more) of the following things:

  • writing advice (worldbuilding, character creation, how to write fight scenes, etc.)

  • my writing process

  • fiction writing prompts

  • book marketing tips and tricks

  • publishing world news (queer and otherwise)

  • geeky recommendations

  • book recommendations (wouldn’t be a writing Substack without it!)

  • why nature is badass and how I use it as inspiration for my work

  • mythological creature feature

  • behind the scenes of being an author and marketing associate (think A Day in the Life)

  • occasional cat photos and writing updates

  • free flash fiction stories